------ "...it is finished..." -- John 19:30 ------

Friday, May 30, 2008
ENTRY 52: A Date With Joan
What a crummy Friday afternoon. The clouds are heavy, it's already rained but it looks like it's only getting started, and here I am inside with nothing to do but make a blog post. I tried to go out earlier today when it was still clear, but ultimately I did not because 1) I was tired and 2) the bright sunlight was hurting my eyes. I think that means that I've officially stayed at my job too long; it has gotten to the point where I have trouble adjusting to sunlight. Christ.

But yeah. I've resigned to the fact that I will never have a date with Joan. It just isn't going to happen. I was feeling really brave and optimistic is morning, and for a good reason, too (I'll tell you why in a bit). So much so that I was like "You know what? Let's just ask her out. She probably likes me, you know". So I asked her out, and she said no. For the second time. Ha.

I'm at a crossroads in my life. The realization has been dawning on me over the last couple of days, so really this was a now or never kinda deal. I'm starting film school June 9th, and I'm REALLY REALLY excited. I was so optimistic over life in general because of how well the orientation to my classes went on Wednesday. The teachers and faculty are great, and already they think I'm a genius and a perfect fit for the school. I've already gotten offers to work on sets with people who have worked with the likes of freakin' Samuel L. Jackson. It's Scott Pilgrim awesome.

I'm at a time where I have no choice but to move forward in everything that I do. Combined with all the shit that's been happening at my church, I figure it's time to let go of all the crap I've been holding on to for simply nostalgic reasons, and forge onward with what my life should really look like. So I asked Joan out, because she was something I thought would be a big part of my real life. Apparently not.

I'm excited, but sad at the same time. I'll have to let go of church (too stressful and not worth it) and Joan, because I really need to move on. It's just wasn't healthy anymore! Can't wait until June 9th, though....it's gonna be epic!

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finished by Carter @ 6:17 PM   0 finished comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ENTRY 51: Strange Times
Before anybody asks, no the title of this entry is NOT a reference to Marvel's Master of the Mystics. Hardy har har....sorry, I couldn't resist!

If you have been reading up, then you'll know that I'm referring to the craziness happening at my church right now, and as I had predicted in my last post, things have gotten a heckuva lot worse. The situation has exploded; it's being talked about all over the diocese of Toronto, the bishops are furious, and -- get this -- even the police have been called in. It is absolutely insane.

But that's all I can really say about that situation; a gag order has been issued on all parishioners and participants in the various incidents that have recently transpired. Yeah, ridiculous, is it not?

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finished by Carter @ 5:23 AM   1 finished comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wow it's been a couple of months since my last post. I hadn't forgotten about this little blog, but it was the 50th post; I wanted to make sure I had something BIG to write about, something that was 50th post worthy.

Turned out the BIG EVENT wasn't exactly what I was hoping for (i.e. date with Joan); in fact, it wasn't anything positive at all. The youth group leader at my church was booted by the priest-in-charge and the wardens.

Let me rewind a bit, see if I can fill in some back story. As I mentioned before, I was a junior youth leader at my church in Scarborough. Joan and I worked with the Youth Group Leader to provide activities and programs for youth from the church and the surrounding community. Over the years our group has grown very close, to the point where we all regard the YGL as a second mother, and likewise she regards all of us as her children.

Over the past year or so, the YGL's health had begun to deteriorate. She had been working 60+ hour weeks and not eating right, and developed Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and a lot of other bad stuff. Youth group meetings started being postponed or just outright canceled, much to the chagrin of the youth. But we assumed that it was because of the YGL's health, so we understood. It was only later that the YGL divulged to us that these cancellations were because the wardens had refused to release funds that had been promised to us in the yearly budget. From then on things began going downhill. The feud between the YGL and the Powers That Be (that's what I call the wardens + the priest) swelled to ridiculous proportions, and Joan and I got stuck in the middle trying to mediate it all.

It was a stressful time, and my own health began to suffer. I started getting really sick on a regular basis, sometimes unable to keep anything down for days. It was absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, up to maybe a week ago, things seemed to be going relatively smoothly; you can say that there was the atmosphere of a ceasefire. Then out of the blue I receive a call from the priest informing me that the YGL has been removed. No explanation as to why, just that it happened.

Things have been crazy since then. The youth have been up in arms, the YGL has been up in arms...and me? I'm tired. I quit all my positions in the church (youth group leader, parish council, communications team, server's guild, transition committee, church school teacher, etc....yeah there were quite a few) much to the shock of the Powers That Be, since they were going to ask me to take over as Youth Group Leader.

But yeah, things are only going to get worse, I imagine. The Powers That Be had been trying to keep everything hush-hush, but the YGL started handing out packages detailing abusive correspondence, and the youth are setting up petitions. And I just want things to end. Strange times, I tells ya, strange times.

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finished by Carter @ 5:17 PM   1 finished comments

The famous words of Jesus Christ resonate with my person: words impressing me with total, victorious finality. Words that I hope to say down the road.
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Home: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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