------ "...it is finished..." -- John 19:30 ------

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
ENTRY 31: The Former
Not sure where I'm going with this post, but it's been a coupla days so I just thought I should write something.

Well first off, it looks like my school financial problems have all worked out. I submitted my OSAP application, and the estimate showed that I will most likely be fully funded for the program. That means I'll be getting the full $16,800 for the tuition. I will, however, have to pay for the registration fee as well as for books and equipment ($590). My ownly issue now will be how to pay it back. I work overnights, so I don't know how I'll be able to cope with that once I start attending classes full-time. If I don't cut down my hours, I'll be one tired young man. If I do cut down my hours, how the heck will I be able to pay back the student loan? Decisions, decisions.

What else? I talked to Joan of Arc for the first time since before the holidays. Before then, for various reasons, I had been ready to just give up. I wasn't seeing her often enough, and frankly I wasn't quite sure the interest was there. But yeah, I attended church on Sunday, and afterwards she had actively approached me. When she walked by, I (being the dork that I am) nervously started going through my cellphone. After a small pause, she playfully asked who I was calling. I laughed and mumbled something about adding a phone number. Then we started talking.

Wasn't anything climactic, I'll tell you that (don't get too excited). She mentioned how she had had a bad week at work, but we didn't really get into it. My lil' bro was in a hurry to leave, so I departed, and was it just me or did Joan sound a little disappointed as we said our farewells...? Anyway, it was enough to get me to e-mail her. I mentioned that I felt bad that her week went so poorly, and suggested a little bit of escapism with a movie. NO, I DIDN'T ask her out; I merely suggested, since we seem to have similar tastes in movies, that she should check out El Orfanato (The Orphanage). Then I said something about how I hoped her week went a lot better than her last one did.

I wasn't really expecting a response back, so I was kind of surprised when one popped up in my inbox. She mentioned in it that she was happy that I had thought of her, and that she had been thinking about seeing the movie, and would definitely check it out now that I had endorsed it. Kinda taken aback, to say the least. Just being courteous, or should I read between the lines? I'll stick to the former for now.

Wow...long post considering I didn't really know what to write about.

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finished by Carter @ 6:40 AM  
5 Finished Comments:
  • At January 15, 2008 8:28 AM, Blogger Tony M said…

    Congrats on getting the financial aid, and good luck on getting it paid back. Do you have to pay it back before you finish school? Most educational financial aid in the US doesn't have to start being repaid until you've finished (or dropped out of) school; at least I think most of it's that way.

    And I know full well what it's like to work and go to school simultaneously - I did that for 6 years after I got out of the Navy, worked full time and went to school 1/2 time and raised a family and was active in the church... not an easy thing to do, but you'll survive.

  • At January 16, 2008 4:33 AM, Blogger Carter said…

    yeah i would only have to pay after the year is up...but i'd like to save up a little bit of $$$ so that the payments won't be too much of a headache. The worst part, however, will be trying to survive a coupla days without sleep. :S

  • At January 16, 2008 4:52 AM, Blogger Carter said…

    EDIT: mixed up the meaning of "former" and "latter"...embarrassing :P

  • At January 16, 2008 8:33 AM, Blogger Tony M said…

    I don't know much about the school, of course, being from Alabama (but I have worked at the Nanticoke coal-fired power plant, staying in Simcoe, which isn't too far from Toronto, as well as the Lambton power plant a bit further away), but hopefully you'll be able to schedule your classes so that you can accomplish work, school, and sleeping. :)

    Good luck with that!

  • At January 18, 2008 12:05 AM, Blogger King said…

    Well, I can't comment as Tony M. You know my experiences, and it is of the mediocre variety. All I can say is that what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. =p

    And as for Joan of Arc point, who knows. The main point is that does being around her make you feel good? If so, go for it. If the worry outweighs the good feelings, then don't. And don't give me that stuff about it being a 'good' hurt...I know you're not a masochist.

    Besides, you have nothing to worry about. You got looks, the 'certified' intelligence, the creativity to get into Trebas, the wit, and of course, your friends =p.

    Haha, you got the brains of a biochemist, and the heart of an artist. Pretty sure, if nothing else, you'll know how to make a person feel good in creative ways. =p

    Okay, time to sleep. =p

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